Board of Directors
Will Almond President
Dan Cason Vice President
Stephanie Chamberlin Secretary
Celeste Huddleston Treasurer
Brandon Hillman
David Huckabay
Rob Johnson
Julie Jones
Patrick Murray
Scotty Shaver
Melissa Townsend
Jarred Woodard
Committee Assignments:
Booster Club – Celeste Huddleston
Building & Grounds – David Huckabay
Dress Code – Stephanie Chamberlin
Handbook – Principal, Dr. Hunter Brown
Hardship – Will Almond
Insurance – Officers
Lunchroom – Kimberly Dabbs
Parent Participation – Stacey Greer
Rebel Club – Stacey Greer, Celeste Huddleston, Joni Riggs, Katie Williamson
Teacher Recruitment – Dr. Hunter Brown
Transportation – Scotty Shaver
Procedures to address the Board of Directors
If you have a concern or complaint regarding your child/children and the action of a teacher, coach or administrator, you must follow this procedure. The reason for adopting this procedure is to allow you and the person with whom you have a concern, the opportunity to resolve the situation. Further, if you contact a board member or the principal about an issue with which they are not familiar, they may not be able to give you an appropriate response. An appropriate response cannot be given until the principal and/or the Board is aware of all the facts and circumstances regarding the issue.
Please follow this procedure so the matter can be handled competently:
Step #1: Discuss the problem directly with the teacher or coach.
Step #2: If the parent feels, after contact and discussion with the teacher or coach, that further review necessary, the parent should contact the administrator.
Step #3: If after discussion with the administrator, the parent feels further review is necessary, the matter may be brought to the board.
After following the above steps, if you wish to address the Board, you must be put on the agenda for the next board meeting. To be put on the agenda, contact the school office at least 2 (two) days before the meeting and inform the administrator of the nature of the issue you wish to bring before the Board. There will be a 10 minute time limit for parent address.
This will allow the Board time to gather any information necessary to properly address your concern. If you wish to have your child appear before the Board to discuss an issue, please obtain specific permission from the principal and Board President prior to the meeting.
If a parent comes directly to the Board having gone through steps above without contacting the office to ask to be placed on the agenda it is likely the board will not hear the matter.