The intent of the Riverdale Academy dress code is to represent the school well in our community, maintain an optimum learning environment and spirit of excellence throughout the school day and at all school-sponsored activities. The following rules must be followed. The administrator has the authority to determine the appropriateness of any dress issue not covered by the rules.
Uniforms may be purchased from any supplier, but must be red, white, or black (tops) and khaki or black (bottoms). Solid color nice denim jeans (white, tan, brown, blue, black) may be worn on any day, as long as there are no holes, rips, stone/acid wash, or stains. No patterns, jeggings, leggings, or sportswear should be worn. Only the top button of any shirt may be unbuttoned; all others must be buttoned.

The principal and/or his designee will ensure that the regulations
contained in this dress code are enforced!
● A belt with a buckle must be worn, if needed, by all students in grades 4-12 .
● School crests are available to be sewn on any shirt (contact the office).
● The hoods on hoodies may not be worn in buildings. Uniforms must be worn under hoodies.
● Suggestive words, designs, or patches worn on clothing or jewelry are prohibited.
● Headgear (caps, hats, etc.) is prohibited on campus except when playing or practicing football, baseball or softball.
● Sunglasses, not including prescription glasses, are prohibited on campus, except when playing or practicing baseball/softball.
● No long chains attached to students’ clothing.
● No visible tattoos at school or any school function.
● No body piercing (only exception – girls’ earrings).
● All students in grades 4–12 must wear shirts tucked in if the shirt has a tail.
● Muscle or tank tops, halter tops, white undergarment type tee shirts, see-through garments, and bare
midriffs are prohibited.
● No lettering may show through a uniform shirt
● Pants must be worn at the waist
● The bottom hem of shorts must have an inseam of 7 – 9 inches and must be longer than the student’s fingertips when standing straight and arms and fingers are extended towards the feet.
● The following are prohibited:
○ Holes, rips, or tears in garments
○ Low cut, baggy, or oversized garments
○ Cargo pants
○ Tucking garments in boots.
● Must be neatly cut and well-groomed.
● No distracting hair cuts or abnormal hair colorings such as red, blue, green, striped or multi-colored.
● Faces will be clean-shaven.
● Earrings and make-up are not acceptable.
● Hair must be brushed/combed and neat. No bushy hair. No mullets. No sideburns. No hair past the middle of the ear. No hair touching the back collar. No hair or bangs can hang past the eyebrows. No ponytails. No man buns.
● Strapless and spaghetti strap dresses are prohibited.
● Hemlines of skirts must be no higher than 3 inches above the knee.
● Split-skirts are not to be split above the knees.
● No ear piercings that are bars or gauges.
● Picture day – wear appropriate clothing for your picture – shall follow the general dress code.
● Homecoming week – each of these days you will be provided the style of clothing appropriate. If not dressed in the daily homecoming attire, you shall wear the school uniform.
● On game days, athletes can wear game day apparel that has been approved by the coach and the principal.
● Field trips – students may wear appropriate non-uniform dress with consent of the teacher and principal.
● A parent must either take the student home to correct the violation or bring the correct items needed to the school. The student will be given an unexcused, non-exempt absence for any classes missed and the student will receive a grade of zero for any work missed.